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newspaperinwesterneurope答案[newspaper in western europe答案]


选A,人口密集 vastly常指地域的辽阔 enormously指数量上的大 largely泛指大。


have been adopted internationally from Qichun County SWI These children now live with families all over the world in Canada and the , in Australasia, and in most countries of Western Europe。

read a great deal of English work, and was engaged in the novel creations, joining the literature research meeting in 1926Returned to country the successor ji south in 1930 together university of lu , Qingda。


1 集中注意力于 pay attention to 26 很长时间 for ages 2 也 as well 27 请某人帮忙 ask a favor of sb 3 设法弄懂 work out 28 浏览 look through 4 试验,检验 try out 29 那时过去的一段时间 in。

South Africa是指南非这个国家名称,Southern Africa是非洲南部同理,西欧是指欧洲西部,所以是Western Europe。

1689 Russia is a backward country, almost all the backward areas than in Western Europe for centuries Are Under his rule, founded the first Russian newspaper Russia and the West of the country#39s modernization。

newspaperinwesterneurope答案[newspaper in western europe答案]


Churchill edited the Government#39s newspaper, the British Gazette, during the dispute where he argued that quotuntil June, 1944 and this delay enabled the Red Army to capture territory from Germany in Eastern。

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